Leave us a review! ⭐️

Reviews help us grow so much!

Thank you for taking the time to leave a photo or video review for your product, we hope you love it. If there's anything that we can do to make you happier with your Mama Maize pieces, please let us know.

Here's how to leave reviews for your purchases (and harvest Carats 💎! )

  1. Check your email:
    After your order, we sent you an email with links to review the items you bought. You’ll find a unique link for each product!

  2. Bought multiple products?
    Log in to your account to see your past orders. You can leave a review for each product directly:
    👉 Log in here

  3. Need help?
    Contact us at gillian@mamamaize.com, and we’ll help you leave your reviews.

We'd love to hear from you.